Discover Reiki Healing in Miami: Uniting Mind, Body, and Spirit
Embark on a transformative journey with energy healing, an experience transcending words, space and time, where you will viscerally experience healing and insights.
Based in Miami, Florida, Shalom is an International Energy Healer specializing in Reiki and Sat Nam Rasayan, supporting balance and harmony to people around the world.
Awaken to Life-Changing Transformation
Unleash the profound impact of energy healing with Shalom, your guide to facing and triumphing over your deepest challenges, unveiling infinite opportunities and nurturing your lasting well-being.
Experience the captivating world beyond our three-dimensional reality as energy healing propels your healing journey, rejuvenates your inner equilibrium, harmonizes body and soul and reveals enthralling states of consciousness.
About Shalom
Originally from France, Shalom ventured to New York in his twenties and discovered energy healing following a scooter accident. He stumbled upon energy healing after trying everything else in the aftermath of a scooter accident. This holistic path unveiled the captivating world of alternate states of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things. Now, Shalom takes joy in sharing these extraordinary experiences with clients.
Embodying full presence, integrity and a passion for his craft, Shalom’s energy healing practices is devoted to empowering individual and reconnecting them with their inner Divinity.
Having trained in various energy healing modalities including Reiki, Sat Nam Rasayan and sound healing, Shalom was attuned to Reiki I, II, III, Reiki – Earth Ascension and to Sat Nam Rasayan I. As an ardent truth seeker, he persistently pursues his curiosity and intuition to deepen his understanding and enhance his impact. After 15 years in New York, Shalom has made Miami, Florida his new home.

Shalom Energy; Energy of Peace
“Shalom” a Hebrew word signifying peace, embodies the state of inner tranquility that allows us to truly recognize and embrace our own consciousness. By detaching from our thoughts and emotions, we can maintain composure and remain unfazed by life’s daily upheavals. In this serene state, we flow with what is and our inner light radiates.
When we enter this harmonious realm, extraordinary thing happens and boundless possibilities become apparent.
Energy Healing: Holistic approach to Healing
At our core, we are energy. Energy healing is a comprehensive method that delves into our deeper layers, seeking to address and heal issues at their very core. This approach empowers individuals to take charge of their own healing, acknowledging that they are their most effective healers. We initiate each session by setting an intention, then surrender to the healing, allowing energy to intuitively flow where it is needed most. Energy healing can help with:
Relaxation and mental clarity
Reduce stress and anxiety
Identifying and healing the root causes physical symptoms
Pain relief
Deeply connecting to one’s spiritual nature
Receiving insights and wisdom from your higher-self
Identifying and changing your limited beliefs and subconscious patterns
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a method of working with energy that allows the body to clear itself. A Reiki session starts with a conscious intent and consists of the client receiving the energy that they require in that moment in time.
Most people notice a significant difference after the first Reiki treatment, and the benefits grow with repeated sessions.
What is Sat Nam Rasayan?
Sat Nam Rasayan is an energy healing modality based in Kundalini yoga. In this specific meditative state, healing occurs.
Sat Nam Rasayan is a potent healing technique that allows the practitioner to sense the client’s body, mind and spirit and make adjustments toward balance and alignment.
In-Person Session
In person sessions take place at our private office in Miami Beach, by appointment only.
During the session, you will be lying face up on a massage table. The energy healer goes through the energy channels throughout the body by putting his hands around and on your body with light touches.
Remote Session
Energy healing knows no boundaries. Receiving an energy healing session remotely and feeling the energy move is a particularly wonderful experience. One that hints that there is more to the physical plan than meets the eye.
The remote energy healing sessions are just as strong as in-person.
Remote Session
Energy healing knows no boundaries. Receiving an energy healing session remotely and feeling the energy move is a particularly wonderful experience. One that hints that there is more to the physical plan than meets the eye.
The remote energy healing sessions are just as strong as in-person.
In-Person Session
In person sessions take place at our 216 E. 45th street office, Suite 1101, New York, NY, by appointment only.
During the session, you will be lying face up on a massage table. The energy healer goes through the energy channels throughout the body by putting his hands around and on your body with light touches.
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